Monday, June 28, 2010

Big Moves - Update!

Here's the latest in Big Moves News:
Brown Eyed Girl is in Brussels! My FBI Background check arrived a day after my latest post - so Thursday, June 10. After that, a two-week whirlwind began and I hopped on a plane to jet over here by June 25/26 (red-eye). This is day three, and abotu an hour.five from now I'm heading into the office for the first time and to complete some paperwork.

Big Red had a Big Deal wedding, and now also has been up to some Big Moves! She's currently living in xx, doing xx, with xx and yy. How's that for a teaser?

Blondie also is a mover and a shaker! She recently bought a xx, is selling a xx, and has changed her daily ritual as well!

I'll let these two tell you all about their moves, but in the meantime, may I encourage us each to raise our glasses (of water, being as it's 9 a.m. here and 2 a.m. and 12 a.m. there LOL), and toast each other to a job well done! Missions "follow-your-dreams" are being accomplished.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Big moves (and holding ...)

Well, One month later, I am disappointed to say that I am waiting. Still. My 5-year FBI background check has not yet come back. I'm sure it eventually will, but waiting is annoying.

In other BIG MOVES, before the end of the month I will move back to my parents' home temporarily (until my paperwork is done). One huge benefit of this move - as unthrilled as I might be - is that I will be able to see one of my best friends - PregnantGirl - more frequently than I have in the last several years. Even though she's the pregnant one, I think I'm the one with Baby Fever! I notice pregnant people everywhere: this afternoon on lunch I saw a pregnant girl speed walking, and it made me smile bc PregnantGirl's doctor just cut her off from running, and so maybe me and PregnantGirl can go for little speed-walks when I move to the burbs, too ;)?

Anyway, it goes without saying that I will leave you with a piece of inspiration, and today's is this: "You've gotta take the good with the bad, smile when you're sad; love what you've got, remember what you've had. Always forgive, and never forget. Make mistakes, but never regret."

While I am completely displeased that I took HR's advise and waited until I signed the Brussels contract before I applied for my background check, I have to remind myself that in the end it will all work out. No regrets. And THEN I will laugh at being upset about not being able to control something I could never control in the first place ;)