Sunday, May 16, 2010

Big Moves, Part II

So to echo Brown Eyed Girl's last post, there are a LOT of changes going on with us Three Chic Chicks - all very life-changing and none of which really seemed "real" when we started this blog.

However, this past weekend, my life changes all culminated into a big ball of REALLY REAL. My wonderful fiance graduated from medical school this weekend. It was a beautiful ceremony and I was so happy to be there to watch him walk across the stage. Since I first met him almost eight years ago, he has always wanted to be a doctor - and I knew he'd make it happen. Now that he's got the diploma (and ever-so-exciting title of Dr. Big Red's Fiance, MD) the next big thing coming up for us is the wedding. Yikes.

I'm not one bit nervous. I've never been so confident about a decision in my life. But I'm nervous-excited to see how an entire year of planning, stress, tears, fights (though not many) and all-around hard work will come together for one day with family and friends. We're almost through the planning - just the darned seating chart still needs to be done - and then it is sit back, relax (sort of) and ENJOY!

Probably the biggest move is the literal move that we're making after we get back from our honeymoon, moving to San Diego for the fiance's residency program. I couldn't be more excited to start our new life in a new city with a new adventure, but the packing part has me a bit worried. I have hardly started and only have about four days to get my entire life packed up to go. Normally this wouldn't be all that difficult - throw it all in some boxes and call it a day. But, since I'm off to sunny Cali, I'm trying to pare down my wardrobe from bulky, Chicago-winter-appropriate sweaters, to only include what I'll REALLY wear. Which means sorting through the 8,000 T-shirts I've accumulated since fifth-grade cheerleading camp through today and only keeping the ones that I actually wear, and detaching myself from the memories that the other ones hold.

One year ago today, the fiance proposed to me. When we set our wedding date to be a year later, it seemed like we had all the time in the world. Now, the fiance has graduated medical school, superseded a rank in the Navy (hello Lieutenant!) and we're 6 days away from getting married, heading to the Bahamas for a much-needed relaxing honeymoon and moving away from our families and living across the country.

It's such an exciting time, but a bit scary too. I know it'll all work out and I can't wait for all the opportunities that we'll have together. I think I most look forward to being able to share my stories with my family and friends, and hearing their reciprocal stories with all the changes they're facing as well. I probably won't be back to post until after the wedding and big move, but there will be great stories to share then!

Big Red

1 comment:

  1. 1) Dr. Big Red's Fiance, MD - LOVE
    2) I hear you on the T-shirts. Every time I toss one into the "goodbye" pile, I feel guilty, like I am somehow telling my former teacher that I didn't like being a Math-lete, or that my sorority doesn't matter THAT much to me. In the end, it's silly worries, and we'll be okay without them. If anything, cut out a logo or patch here or there and make a scrap book :)
    3) Your wedding was beautiful, and YOU were beautiful too.
    4) Can wait to hear from you again :)
