Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Big moves

The last few weeks have flown by (although they didn't feel that way back then). I realized when I got to work today that I have three weeks left with my Chicago office, five with my apartment, and about the same with my friends. You'd think it would make me fill with glee, but my auto-response was more in line with "fight or flight." For a second I thought, "Holy crap, I'm going to kick these weeks' butts!" and then I thought, "Oh my gosh. Is it really only three weeks??"

Anyway, that got me thinking about how precious time is. Big Red's wedding is just around the corner (10 days, to be exact). And so is her Big Move. The once-2006-wonderment that was "Blondie, do you ever think you'll live with him?" has turned into "Blondie! Your dreams are coming true! You guys are moving to the suburbs!"

And me? Eh, for me it's still, "I wonder what my life will be like in five years." Only now I know that I will have that blissful checkmark designating the accomplishment of one of my life goals. I'm excited, nervous, and hopeful for what's about to come for each of the ThreeChicChicks as we embark our new ways, on what we each secretly believe is our perfect (or soon-to-be-perfect) life :)

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