Thursday, April 29, 2010


I've learned my way through a number of difficult times in this 26-year-old life I call my own. From silly things like having to stop my newly two-wheeled bicycle by lurching myself into a thorny bush, to harder things like moving five times before first grade, to tough things like managing through the death of an immediate family member. All this said, it's for these reasons that I also have learned to take lightly many of the failures in my life (you can't win if you don't try!), and to celebrate the small successes that meaure up along the way to those that really matter.

These simple facts are the reasons that I have - as the title of this post suggests - a "win" to announce. Yesterday, I officially FedEx International'd the final document the Brussels office needs to apply for my Belgium work permit. They should receive it at 9:00 a.m. Brussels time Friday (3:00 a.m. CDT).

I'm excited. Secret-dance-party, secret fist-pump, silent-cheering excited. And so I wanted you to know. :)

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