Friday, April 23, 2010

Decisions, decisions II

Hola! I haven't posted in a while - and for good reason. 1) Work is SO BUSY (who wants to be on a computer after staring at one all day?), 2) I vacationed in Brazil for two weeks, and 3) I'm moving!

I'll jump to No. 3, which I'm sure you're most interested in. Where to? Brussels, Belgium, for two years, for work. And let me tell you, there are one million questions to answer, two million items to consider and three million loads of stress to compliment it.

Currently, the plan is to head to Brussels one time prior to my actual move. The actual move would occur some time in June for a July 1 start, which means I likely would wrap up at FD Chicago the first week of June.

So what's that mean? Well, if I want to enjoy summer at all, I'd better get packing (in the sense of boxes, suitcases and actual activity on other things like returning my apartment walls to white and selling my car!), and get packing fast! It's bittersweet to leave my friends and family, but it's the opportunity of a lifetime, and well, not to be cliche, but I will live only once. Bon voyage! (?)


  1. Wow! You are so busy! Makes me stressed just reading it. Good luck with it and safe travels!

  2. That's not the response I wanted to elicit! Thank you, though :)
