Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Decisions, Decisions

So, we're down to five and a half weeks until the wedding - yikes! But I'm feeling good about how everything is shaping up, planning-wise. It seems that I'm really on top of things, compared to what I expected to feel like less than two months before the big day. I think it really helps that I'm in PR, as I keep reminding myself that I've planned bigger events, with less time and a tighter budget, than I'm doing for my wedding. Plus, it helps when you're personally invested in the cause, so I care even more :)

There definitely have been and will be some big decisions still to make - such as what song do I dance to with my dad? There are all the typical, popular ones that everyone uses, which could be fine, but I'm worried I'll just sob my way through them. So I'm starting to think I'd like to find a great song to dance to that isn't reminiscent of the daddy/daughter tear-inducing ones, but that still has a special message. Any thoughts? Because I'm stumped.

We also need to do some additional music selections for what songs MUST be played, what song MUST NOT be played (The Macarena, Celebration, Chicken Dance to name a few) and what songs we'd LIKE to be played if there's an opportunity. I'm not sure I can care enough to state which songs must be played - I just want there to be fun music for people to dance to. I feel like I can trust my DJ to handle this, but at the same time, I'm detail-oriented enough to want to provide some guidance as well.

Along with the music, the photographer has asked for a list of shots to capture during the ceremony and reception. Now, again, I'm in PR so I get the importance of making a shot list. But, this is a WEDDING. I want EVERYTHING captured. There's nothing I don't want, so why should I provide a shot list? If it happens, I want it on film, and I don't think that's too much to ask. However, I feel like I need to come up with unique shots that may not be considered "typical" to ensure the photographer doesn't miss anything. Any suggestions to that end as well?

Finally, my programs. I really truly am having a hard time committing time and resources toward these. I know people like them to know what comes next in the ceremony, who is involved in the wedding, etc., but I'm starting to create unnecessary stress around these. I originally thought I wanted a shiny ivory paper with dark purple ink, to tie into my purple bridesmaid colors, but now I'm worried it's going to look cheap having purple ink. I guess I just need to wait and see a proof, but I'm getting stressed out about it just thinking about what they COULD look like.

On the plus side, we did make some headway with decisions - we settled the menu, have chosen the cake (that was actually done months ago) and set the times for the photographer and limo. Small steps, but we'll get this wedding planned eventually!

I'm really looking forward to the next chapter in life of being married and enjoying each other's company (especially since it'll be in glorious, sunny San Diego!) I'm working on not making every conversation between the finace and I about the wedding, and I think I'm doing a pretty good job, but it'll still be nice when the stressful details are all behind us.

Maybe I just need one of Blondie's signature mimosas with just a splash of OJ for color to ease my mind :)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, that sounds like a good idea- I'll pour us both mimosas and we can talk through all of your decisions!
