Monday, July 12, 2010

Scent of a European Man

For giggles, I'd like to muse on scents. For one, Brussels stinks. I'm talking smelly men, who either don't shower at all (God, I hope that's not the case) or who happily allow their sweat glands to produce and produce and produce (A stinky "macho," if you will). And if it's not one of these two things, it's the scent of a Smoker (we all know it - especially those of us who don't smoke).

There are a number of ways we could solve this issue:

  1. On the Tram or the Metro: lots of stinky men in close proximity. Solution? Febreeze, freshens air, cleans odors. You also could use a dab of perfume on your wrist, hold the bar higher, and - yes - sniff your wrist.
  2. In the office, enclosed in a conference room with a guy who clearly just came back from break. Solution? Gum for him. Coffee, in close proximity to you, and for the room.
  3. In personal life: maybe a roommate or a Pre-PH (who's just too smelly to be a PH). Soap, and deoderant. Offer to demonstrate use. On him.

Have a solution of your own? Tried one of mine? Let us know!

*Please note, Scottie has nothing to do with this post.

1 comment:

  1. I like how a smelly man is just not going to cut it as a PH for you.. haha. I think once you're there for awhile you'll get used to the new smells. If not, I suggest you carry around a survival kit with Febreeze, gum, perfume and deo. PS- I miss you!

