Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Changes are a-comin'

Well, it's been quite some time since my last post (oh, I feel like I'm at confession. Forgive me Father, I have sinned. It has been many many days since my last confession.) In my defense, however airtight it is or not, I have been incredibly busy with wedding stuff, as well as some other changes that are taking place.

The wedding stuff is going really well - I had my shower in Chicago this past weekend and had a wonderful time. My aunts put on quite the party and my friends were wonderful, coming out of the city to the burbs, bearing gifts, their energy and cheers every time I opened a wine glass, margarita glass, martini glass, etc. My mom was thrilled to meet my friends - it's amazing how foreign our friends become to our parents as we get older. I always talk about my friends, especially to my mom, and it was great for her to meet them (and, hopefully, them to meet her!)

The shower really made things seem real - not that I wasn't thinking this was really happening, but things just really hit home with all the people I care about around me for such an exciting time. I can't wait to start my life with the fiance and finally live together in the same state, much less in the same house! That might take some getting used to :) We always joke around that we're going to have to get two apartments since we're so used to living apart that being in the same house might make us crazy!

Speaking of crazy, there's lots going on in these next few weeks. Visiting the fiance probably for the last time in Missouri before the wedding, the bachelorette party is the following weekend (BIG thanks for the cutest invitations EVER to Brown Eyed Girl and Blondie!!!), then it's my hair and makeup trial, followed by Easter, my shower on the fiance's side and getting ready with the final preparations for the wedding and our big move.

I'm really going to try to keep blogging during all this, but I fear that it might be all wedding-related, which I can't imagine is always the most stimulating of reads for anyone other than me! I'll work to vary my topics and hopefully not bore everyone to death with the wedding details.

So, to close out on another subject, I need to learn how to cook. With all the stuff that we got at the shower, I'd say about 85% of it was kitchen-related. I don't know what to do with a blender/food processor outside of making margaritas with it. Time to start studying up and talking more with Blondie, my resident cooking-expert friend! Any suggestions on good starter cookbooks or Web sites to be checking out? Gotta fulfill my wifely duties in T minus 74 days! (not that I'm counting) :)

-Big Red


  1. So glad you had fun at the party! Wow - you are going to be VERY busy, but what an exciting time. Take it all in. And don't worry about posting about just wedding stuff - I think its interesting!


  2. Uh, Blondie can help ya learn how to coook ;)
