Friday, January 22, 2010


In light of Big Red's post, let me tell you about my weekend: I'm working. That's right, sometimes being in the financial PR world means interrupting your personal life with your professional one. I'm okay with it, as long as it doesn't consume every drop of my social life.

On social lives: I'll be in New York Tuesday/Wednesday for work, which means I'll miss a good friend's birthday dinner. That stinks, too, but. I'll make it up to her.

Speaking of birthdays, mine quickly approaches. And with it, the realization that I'm growing up and my friends are (or are getting) married, have more responsibility than we used to and don't always live within reach. Sounds like a recipe for a lack of social gatherings. Another fact of life.

... And on life ... how long did it take for Friday to get here? Seriously, this morning I wondered if Ashton Kutcher was going to pop out at me and scream "you've been punked! now go back to bed!"

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