Friday, January 22, 2010

eggs, spaghetti, chicken and wine

There are really four main things that have taught me how to cook.

Now you must first know that when I went away to college I had never used a stovetop. The microwave was my only knowledge of how to heat food (Lean Cuisines are very tasty!) My mom always cooked, I just never cared to learn.

My junior year, my roommate taught me how to make eggs. Medium-low heat and some cooking spray keeps them from sticking while a bit of water or milk keeps them from burning. I was thrilled with my newfound ability! After that, I ate scrambled eggs almost every day for months. I prefer mine with some American cheese bits tossed in just before serving.

Shortly thereafter, a guy I was seeing at the time invited me over for dinner. He made me the one thing he knew how to cook (and still probably the one thing he knows how to cook to this day) -- spaghetti! Regardless, I learned how to boil water on super-high heat and how to put noodles in the pot when the water is at a tumbling boil.

One thing remained-- meat. Eww. Just the thought of seeing a raw animal part grossed me out, but I took my chances and experimented with some chicken breasts. I quickly learned that you can't eat still pink (aka- uncooked) chicken or you'll get very, very sick. I'll spare you the details, but trust me-- I'll never serve you raw chicken. I've since bought a handy meat thermometer ($5 at grocery stores) and reco it to any new cook. Chicken must be cooked to 170 degrees inside in order to be safe to eat.

After making these few simple things I really began to love cooking. I experiment with new foods all the time and really love spending time in the kitchen. Some things I make for the first time are very good... while some are not. This brings me to my fourth important discovery-- wine. Whether your food is good or bad, a good glass of wine (or three) makes everything taste great. I prefer a crisp, light white wine with sweet, fruity notes. Today, I had Chateau Ste. Michelle Riesling (only $9).


1 comment:

  1. You should cook for me some time! I like eggs, though I like pasta more. Meat is a plus, and wine is amazing :)

