Monday, February 1, 2010

Crazy Train

That has been my life lately, hence the lack of posting on my behalf this past week. The fiancé was here this and last weekend, which was wonderful and we got lots of planning done- the cake, menu, tuxes and readings- but I've also had two mental breakdowns during those weekends. I feel better after getting out much of my stress and am now focusing on not letting things overwhelm me (or at least trying to not let them overwhelm me) as well as talk about what's stressing me out right away, rather than letting it build up and then explode in a ball of fury, as I did last night.
It was Brown Eyed Girl's birthday over the weekend and Blondie, she and I are going out this week to celebrate- that will be helpful to chat with the girls and just relax.
I know I'm prone to wanting to control everything and get uptight when I can't get things done on my schedule so I'm making an effort to loosen up a bit and roll with the punches better. Currently my plan is to sit back, take some deep breaths and relax for the train ride I'm on, so I can head into tonight (and the wedding planning I've got to work on) with a clear head. Off to relax...breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out.

1 comment:

  1. I do not like this breakdown! I do appreciate your conscious effort to slow down, breathe, etc. I recently also have found that stepping away from a fury can make it easier to manage in the end. We are young - there's no need to generate wrinkles on our pretty faces just yet!
