Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bday + PHs

As Big Red mentioned, my birthday was this past weekend. It was a great weekend. Friday I had a wonderful Italian dinner at Rosebud on Taylor Street with my parents. Saturday, I took three of my greatest friends to Trader Vic's on State/Maple and we enjoyed two Rum Kegs, crab rangoon, duck, sea bass, filet mignon and pork, topped with a classy slice of cheese cake and followed by a few hours at my favorite downtown-slum: The Hangge Uppe. On my actual birthday, I climbed 80 flights of stairs for Children's Memorial Hospital, and survived with some sore abs and a HUGE smile. My friend and I went out for brunch at West Egg, and then I ended the weekend with a mani/pedi and a huge glass of wine while I completed my 2009 Self Evaluation.

All this said, the weekend put me in high spirits and I decided that this year I really am going to reengage my friends, mobilize them (and myself) more often, and live life to its fullest. Turn off the gossiping, turn down the cattiness and turn up the living. And oh, maybe add a potential husband (PH) to the mix. :)

1 comment:

  1. I've missed conversations about the PH!! Must discuss tonight!
