Friday, February 5, 2010

PH Weekend: Part I

Okay, as you know by now, PH Weekend Part I is here. (Before you ask, no, PH Weekend Part II is not on the books!) It currently is Friday at 2:06 CT and my concentration is shot. Will I have time to get a mani, work out, vacuum, shower, get ready AND drink a glass before he arrives? Gosh, I sure hope so. I'll need it!

Here's the plan. PH arrives at 9:00 CT, we head to Big Bar (thanks Big Red!) around 10/10:30 p.m. where we sip a sexy martini (or beer, whatever) before we slip back into a cab and head home. PH sleeps in my bed (enough said).

Day II: Out on the town for breakfast (who am I kidding? Let's call it brunch). Probably at Tilly's (thanks Blondie!). Next up, a walk here, a talk there, maybe a little hand-holding (wishful and silly thinking - strike that!). Back home to get ready for the evening. Drinks with friends, dinner by [fake or imaginary - ha] candlelight and then PH sleeps (in my bed).

Day III: PH makes breakfast, wearing apron (use your imagination). We say our goodbyes, and then I come back here and blog all about it.

Deal? Exciting.

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