Tuesday, February 9, 2010

PH Weekend: Part I update

You probably noticed that it has been a few days since the weekend with the potential PH. I figured I'd close the loop now. To be perfectly Patti Stanger about it, "this pecker is not picking that" PH. (Disclaimer, I do not have a pecker.)

Without boring (or exasperating) you with the details of the bomb that was my weekend, let's instead discuss some rules I here-on-out will adhere to. I'll name only three, but if I'm missing anything CORE, I'm relying on you to let me know:

1) Always follow your gut. Does that "doppeldanger" Facebook photo of his as Jersey Shore's "The Situation" make you squeamish? So will he. And the way he acts.

2) Do not compromise to keep things running smoothly. If his requests are out of line, if your responses make him revert back to high school, if he acts unacceptable, face it - he probably is too. Move on.

3) Be desired. And we're not talking just sexually. If said PH will not look you in the eye, makes lame excuses or otherwise makes you feel unvalued, he's only interested in the tip of the iceberg (himself). Dump him, and dump him fast.

If I've learned anything from this weekend (beyond the fact that my friends are amazing, my intuition is in-tune and I actually may be ready for a date with a few good men), it's that I have a lot to offer, I want to be appreciated, and I want to admire and learn from the man I choose to spend my time (or my future life) with.

With that, I propose a (red) wine toast: to the successful future dating lives of me + all the ladies out there facing the same obstacles. Onwards + upwards!

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