Monday, February 22, 2010

A pick-me-up

It’s been 10 days since my last post and I’ve been lambasted by numerous fans, so here we go. Let's have some fun.

Today I want to chat about the benefits of hitting on strangers (told you it would be fun). Yes, in my opinion, it is totally okay for a single person to hit on strangers.

  • Benefit 1: The “pass-it-on” factor. Really – doesn’t it feel good to be complimented? Do you find it gives an extra bounce to your step? Uh huh. And now answer this: why not pass that feeling on to some unsuspecting lovely creature whose perfume (or cologne) wakes your insides?
  • Benefit 2: The “jackpot” factor. At the least, you’ll get a cold stare or maybe be swung at (2 tips here: stay at least an arm’s-length away and don’t say anything inappropriate!), whereas at the most, you could snag a new PH (or new potential wifey, you male ThreeChicChick fans out there)! Hello, jackpot!
  • Benefit 3: The “just because it feels good” factor. Even I have had my fair share of men crooning sweet nothings out their car windows, commenting on my calves, or even stopping me to discuss my toes, and yet while some of these instances were downright awkward – they made me smile – and I still get a good laugh out of them, today.

So, if I may – I challenge each of you to accept this mission: Dare yourself next time you see a hottie, make a game of it, or share a comment and consider it your good deed for the day. And oh, tell me about it J

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