Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I'm still learning how to cook meals and take care of a home. I have found the following tips to be very useful in saving time and allowing me to get things done while still being fabulous. And no, these are not all mine, so if you spot your tip on my list, sorry-- you shouldn't have told everyone b/c now I know about it and I'm going to tell my friends...

-When cooking at home, warm dinner plates in the microwave for about 45 seconds before serving food on them. It keeps food hot for much longer than cold plates fresh out of the cabinet.
-Examine the toppings on salads and entrees at restaurants. Chances are you've heard of every ingredient listed and could make the same thing at home for much less.
-Always look at expiration dates before you buy things. Stores often put sooner-to-expire goods at the front of store shelves, so don't be afraid to reach for items in the back.
-A roaster oven is the best kitchen item I have ever used. Nesco is the best brand. It will change your life.

-To avoid getting lipstick on your teeth, after you apply, put your pointer finger in your mouth and pull it out to avoid any color that may have gotten on the inside of your lips.
-If you travel a lot, bring your favorite bar of soap (airline friendly) with you to avoid allergies or skin probs while on the road. Even nice hotels can have unfamiliar products and hard water that can cause breakouts.
-For great-looking eyelashes, heat your eyelash curler for a few seconds with a hair dryer before using. Then, lightly powder lashes to allow mascara something to cling to.

-Dust before you vacuume. Dusting sends dust all over. Dusting a half an hour before you vacuume allows dust time to settle so that you can sweep/vacuume it up!
-Invest in a clothes steamer. Irons are so 1995. Buy a steamer online and you'll never regret it.
-Organize your closet. Throw out old clothes and reorganize your closet by season or color. You'll be able to find what you need more quickly and won't be sad about skinny jeans from college that you can no longer fit into.

Hope you can use some of these! Let me know if you have any more great tips!!



  1. Love these tips! Good work! Would you know the most effective way to clean standard dinginess off an off-white ultra-suede couch? And you'd be proud - my closet is organized by type and color. (Pants, button-ups, cardigans, 1/2 cardigans, long-sleeve sweaters, 1/2 sleeve, etc.:) <- on second thought, maybe I'm OCD.)

  2. Thanks!! Your closet sounds very pretty! Here's info on your couch cleaning..

    A suede eraser is great for getting rid of ground-in stains. A metal suede brush is great to use after that to smooth out the surface. Use it in a circular motion.
