Monday, February 22, 2010

Success and curveballs

I'd like to explore success for a minute. Success comes in many forms. For some, it's about matching or beating a competitor's capability/time/goal. For others it's finding a soul mate, establishing a home and creating a family. And for still others, it's about always challenging themselves to be better or to learn / experience more so that they can give back more. I believe I best fall into this last category.

For me, life is about taking risks and bouncing back from rejection (I have a quote from Dr. Lillian Glass to thank for that). It's about failing, but failing up. Don't get me wrong, success plays a role in my life, too, but I've found it's those failing moments that most help everything come into focus.

But why am I talking about this?

On Sunday I happened across a book at Anthropologie. It's titled, It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be. I highly encourage you to pick it up and give it a 4 or 5 page test-drive. I bet you'll find the advice obvious (like don't seek approval, seek criticism), but I also bet it will suck you in and open your eyes to how thinking slightly outside the box can also put you ahead of the curve on the road to success.

And if not, you can always rely on my favorite contingency source of advise, my friends in Rascal Flatts. For example, "when life throws you curves ... learn to swerve." No truer words exist in my life -- what about yours?

1 comment:

  1. I think success is what you feel at the end of a perfect day... like a day of shopping, going to the nail salon, picking up a great new DVD at Blockbuster and making a fabulous dinner (with wine, of course).
