Friday, January 22, 2010

Random Musings

Happy Friday! It's going to be a good weekend, I can feel it. For one, it was light-ish out this morning as I boarded the train. It's so nice seeing some idea of light before work- it's so depressing leaving for work when it's dark out and having it be dark again when you leave work for home. I also have the added bonus of commuting nearly two hours each way to get to work, so you may understand my joy at the little things like light in the morning.
This weekend, the fiancé is coming up to do some wedding prep. He lives in another state as he finished up Med school, so we don't see each other all that often. But this weekend he's visiting and we're picking out our cake -I'm so excited to do the tastings of all the cake and filling options! We're also hopefully going to select the readings for the Mass, pick out the tuxes and solidify the menu for the reception. And that's just Saturday! Sunday is a day of lazing around and watching football and just enjoying being with each other before he leaves.
Lots of wedding stuff but, as of today, we're at T minus 4 months...and counting! Cheers!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is Fiance here next weekend, too(1/29-1/31)? I may be confused.

  3. Woo woo for cake tastings!! I hope you find something you LOVE!
